Dog has sore bum from diarrhea
Dog has sore bum from diarrhea

dog has sore bum from diarrhea

Other questions related to having a score burn What can I put on my dogs sore bottom? Dogs may also get sore bottoms when they have diarrhea which can irritate their anal area due to movement around the rectum during bowel. Some of the most common reasons for sore bums are: allergies, worms, infections such as yeast or bacterial infections (including from licking their own butts!), and cuts/burns from contact with chemicals like bleach or other cleaning agents. We will also cover what you should do if your dog gets an infection or cuts its bum on something sharp. This blog post will explore some of the most common causes for sore bums in dogs, as well as how to treat them. Sore bums are something that is quite common in dogs, and can be caused by a number of different things.

Dog has sore bum from diarrhea